Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Conflicts with adolescents and their parents

Conflicts between the adolescents and their parents are nothing new, rather it has become the most prominent problem nowadays. There are certain common areas of conflicts like demanding their independence, even they often argument with their parents in every aspect or they set a specific boundary around them etc. A common communication barrier is also created between parents and teenagers. During adolescence, there is a tendency to interrupt whatever their parents ask them to do. Apart from these, during this age, there is an urge to discover new things in an innovatively. Therefore, they often indulge in any risk-taking activities and if it is interrupted, they often show tantrums or excessive emotional outbursts.

The developmental psychology of adolescents has explained that the age between 13 to 18 years, is the age of ‘storm and stress’. In this period, adolescents often deal with some confusion, whether they need to act like a child or an adult. As a result, they often show ‘tantrums’ or angry outbursts. Moreover, at this time they can’t handle any kind of criticism from their adults, which leads to an argument. The best psychologist in Kolkata has stated they are very sensitive in this period, as the self-esteem and social acceptance seems too important to them.

Most importantly, the parents have to be cooperative enough so that the teenagers could share their feelings freely. In this time, as they show argumentative behavior, they have to be handled politely and allow them to talk about whatever they want to. The best psychiatrist in Kolkata has recommended that they need to be indulged in any creative activities to channelize their emotional tantrums. Gaining trust is very important to rebuild the bonding of parents and children during this time. Conflicts between family members often affect teenagers, which needs to be handled properly. Even they should be prevented from any kind of bad habits like substance or drug abuse. One can have the best solution from Vivekuday Clinic, regarding the teenagers’ issues.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Uncomfortable to visit psychiatrist or psychologists

In this 19th century, people are still not easy to accept that psychological disturbances may play a vital role to control the whole-body functioning. Biopsychosocial model in psychiatry helps to understand this interaction of the body-mind mechanism. It clearly states that; our physiological changes are somehow related to psychology. For example, Psychosomatic disorder or having several pain symptoms are considered as psychological disturbances as there is no clear medical background. This explains that due to severe anxiety our muscle contraction increases, which results in several pain symptoms in different body parts. Due to lack of awareness of these real issues, people often face some daily hassles which may affect personal, social as well as occupational life.

Apart from these physical pain complaints, in our busy lives, we often face with several threats or stressors, which sometimes become hard to tolerate and which need support to cope with. in these cases, a psychologist or a psychiatrist or other mental health professionals would help people. But the concept of visiting a mental health doctor is often being demotivated by our society. The older concept regarding psychiatry was always a rigid one. People think that psychiatric help would bother their reputation in society. But the best psychologist in Kolkata has suggested that, in every profession, or even in every age range, psychological counselling is very much needed to manage these life threats.

The best psychiatrist in Kolkata has suggested that every psychological problem has its biological issues. In extreme cases or for crisis management, the patient may need medication support, but that would be only for symptomatic relief. During the sessions with psychiatrist or psychologist, they always try to build up the doctor-client relationship, which would help the client to be free to express his problems. With several professional techniques, it helps us to manage anxiety, stress or depression-related problems. In Vivekuday clinic, the doctors are so supportive to handle this kind of uneasiness with intense care.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Psychological distress due to excessive use of mobile phones at a young age

In recent years, mobile phones have become so important factor that it is somehow controlling our lives fully from every possible aspect and even in every age ranges, especially among young ages. From the school projects to developing a research paper, mobile usage along with internet facilities have made our life so easy! Moreover, some learning apps have developed to make it easier for students to study. For example, the ‘Audio-Visual Study techniques’ are recently been emphasized much by the experts. Apart from these, gaming apps have also become the only way to overcome their loneliness. And also, we can’t deny that mobile phones connect people all over the world, in every possible way.

Among all these somehow, the over usage of mobile phones has made children addicted enough to distract them from their studies. Researches suggested that excessive use of mobile phones may affect their general health conditions like eyesight problem, an improper motor movement like difficulties in finger movements, spondylitis, headache etc. It may also affect their attention problem or may disrupt their general mental growth.

Parents should take care of these as early as possible. Furthermore, there are the best psychiatrist in Kolkata available to help in such conditions. Psychological studies stated that especially the children with lack of support or appreciations, lack of parental attention, etc make them too dependent upon these gadgets, as they could find their happiness only from those dependencies. Through the counselling process, the best psychologist in Kolkata identify those issues and work on those issues. For child psychology, parents’ counselling has been found more effective, especially in this context. Apart from this, peer influence contributes largely to this field. So, avoiding those situations or circles would be the best options. As children are too attracted to phone, some ‘behavioural techniques like positive or negative reinforcement’ may decondition the habits of excessive usage of phones. Lastly, it must be noted that the children imitate or learn, whatever they observe from others. So, the parents should also reduce the excessive usage of phones at least in front of their children as much as possible.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Anxiety may cause your physical health problem

Anxiety has its short-term as well as long term effect on the human body and mind. Few people who are aware of those physical effects, which are associated with anxiety symptoms. Some general symptoms of anxiety are nervousness, palpitation, restlessness, panic attack, sweating shivering, short breathing, fatigue, weakness, etc. Researches suggested that, if these symptoms persist for a long period time, then gastrointestinal disturbances or changes in digestive systems, cardiovascular difficulties, impaired immune function, urinary disturbances ad various other problems can occur. 

During anxiety, breathing is usually rapid and shallow, which may cause hyperventilation in the lung, which could worsen the situation by creating dizziness, week, unconsciousness, etc.  Long-term anxiety can even increase the rate of a heart attack. It was found that, due to excessive worry or stress, the heart faces some extra strains, which could produce heartache or tachycardia (rapid heart rate), increased blood pressure, etc. On the other hand, severe anxiety or stress could interrupt the general functioning of digestive hormones which in turn produces symptoms like stomach cramp, diarrhea, nausea, irregular bowel movement even peptic ulcer. 

One should be aware of these psychological factors which may contribute to the physical illnesses. There are the best psychologists in Kolkata, always available to treat such conditions with intense care. Initially, if the anxiety or the physical symptoms are significantly distressing, a psychiatrist will prescribe some anti-anxiolytics to reduce the symptoms. After that certain self-help training are recommended to reduce the stress. During anxiety, Relaxation therapy or Yoga the muscle flexibility reduces, which produces symptoms like muscle contractions or cramps. Yoga or other relaxation techniques are used to simplify those muscle complexities. Cognitive-behavioral techniques help people to change their negative thought pattern which is too anxiety-provoking. This technique also helps to reduce the overthinking pattern of individuals. Apart from these, meditation, or writing a journal, practicing to think positively etc may help them to reduce anxiety. In Vivekuday Clinic, you would get the best help regarding this issue from our best psychiatrist in Kolkata.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Peaceful sleep at night is the key to good health. Read to know more

Sleep deprivation or insomnia is a disorder that occurs if you don't get sufficient sleep. Sleep deficiency is a comprehensive concept. It might occur if you have any of the following:
·         You don't get adequate sleep (sleep deprivation)
·         You nap at the wrong time of day (you're out of sync with your body's normal clock)
·         You don't sleep sound or get all of the various types of sleep that your body wants
·         You have a sleep illness that averts you from getting adequate sleep or causes poor quality sleep
Sleeping is a basic human necessity, like drinking, eating, and breathing. Sleep deficiency can lead to mental and physical health problems, loss of productivity, injuries, and even greater risk of death.

We have the best psychiatrist in Kolkata and assure the insomnia treatment in Kolkata you’re looking for.
Here are some reasons why a good night’s sleep is so essential:
1.      Lack of sleep might make you gain weight
2.      Proper sleep tends to improve productivity and concentration
3.      It can maximize your athletic skills
4.      It reduces risks of stroke and heart diseases
5.      Lack of sleep often leads to depression and overthinking
6.      Proper sleep improves your immune function and memory
7.      Poor sleep affects emotional and social relations

In VivekUday Clinic, you can find the best psychologist in Kolkata for the best counseling and yoga services at once. We claim assertion over having trained experts and always extend help to the needs of our patients in unsurpassed ways. Each of the experts allied with us makes sure that you can always regain your stress-free life and live it the best way! 

Friday, July 19, 2019

How Marriage Counseling Can Prevent Divorced Between Couple ?

As much as we may wish for the best outcome in love and marriage, some marriages can be quite a struggle. In a struggling marriage, both the parties might find themselves wondering whether they should call a divorce attorney or a marriage counselor. Marriage counseling in Kolkata is more often considered as an option for avoiding divorce and mending broken marital relations. The effectiveness of marriage counseling can be affected greatly, by how soon counseling is sought. Those Couples that wait too long might face issues too far entrenched in their relationship to ever fully recover.

For marriage counseling to be effective and helpful, both partners need to be willing to take responsibility for their part in the problems, to accept each other's faults, and to be motivated to repair the relationship. Many couples had accepted earlier that marital counseling in Kolkata has helped their relation a lot. Numerous factors surround the success and failure of marriage counseling for couples who are opting for it. One of the main factors that can actually determine the effectiveness of marriage counseling is the - Motivation level of both partners. A motivated couple can begin to explore their problems from a new outlook. They can learn and try out new ways to identify and fix conflicts as a result of the tools provided by the best psychiatrist in Kolkata.

Throughout the therapeutic process, the therapist tries to help both partners, see the relationship in a more objective manner. It is important to find a therapist who will carefully listen, reflect and set you on your own path. In VivekUday clinic, you will get the best psychologist in Kolkata who will give you some great effective sessions that will surely help your relationship.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Psychiatrist and psychologist can help for child counselling? Here’s how

Your child can often behave differently; however, if it becomes a habit and you see a complete behavioural change in your child then it is time for you to worry. Before the situation escalates, it is recommended that you get in touch with the best psychiatrist in Kolkata for further help. Some of the common childhood disorders can be anxiety disorders, eating disorder, depression and various others. It is good to take the matter seriously before it goes out of hands.

Psychiatrists will help the parents to understand the thought and behavioural process of the kid. It is with this understanding; the parents can treat them better and keep them in an environment that is conducive for them. Experts can also delve deeper into the biological aspects and try to solve any health-related issue that might be the root cause for such a disorder. On the other hand, if you are taking up the help of the best psychologist in Kolkata then the method of treatment is a lot different.

At the helm of psychologists, the methods are more session based rather than clinical. Your kid will be attending a session where they can be freely talking with the experts and let them know of the deepest fears that they have. With great speech therapy and art therapy, a psychologist will surely help the kid to regain normalcy in behaviour. If you are facing such issues with the kid then do not delay and get in touch with the best councillors in town. Seek recommendations as there are numerous clinics that offer the best services!  

Friday, June 14, 2019

How insomnia or sleeping problem can be solved by psychiatrist and psychologist?

Insomnia is essentially a condition where the patient is unable to sleep. Insomnia can be of two types – Acute insomnia, which happens for a short period of time due to life circumstances, and which gets cured without any conventional treatment. For example; jet lag, a day before exams. Chronic Insomnia is which happens for thrice in a week and lasts about 3 months and can have many reasons like changes in sleep habits, unhealthy diet, etc. With a psychologist, it is easy to talk about our mental and physical health that in turn may identify our problems and help us overcome them.

There are a plethora of therapies provided for curing insomnia by psychiatrists like stimulus control therapy, biofeedback, relaxation training and many more. If you are in the lookout for the best psychiatrist in Kolkata for resolving the problem of insomnia, ensure that you have done a proper background check before finalizing. Many claim to be the best psychiatrist and best psychologist in Kolkata, however, it is your prerogative to conduct proper research. Lack of sleep may make a person easily irritable, angry and may cause a number of health issues.

In today’s fast-paced world, while sleep is an actual necessity it is now highly considered to be a luxury. In other words, a good sleep makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. Do not waste much time only in worrying about the problem and get yourself into a sleeping disorder treatment in Kolkata to quickly resolve the issue and lead a healthy life. Vivekuday clinic in Kolkata is the best option for you to get help and treat the sleeping disorder with the help of top rated doctors in town. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

How Mental Stress Prevent Our Mind From Taking Good Decisions?

Mental stress is when we tend to worry a lot about financial matters, illness of our loved one, our children's future, etc. Now, stress can often lead people toward making poor decisions. Taking decisions happens to be the cognitive process of making a choice between different alternatives. Now, good decisions depend on the proper functioning of particular neurons that lie within the subregions of the prefrontal cortex. Mental stress disrupts the brain neurons that exist in the PFC, which are critical towards making good decisions. You can get in touch with the best psychiatrist in Kolkata to help you come out of this problem.

When anyone visits a psychiatrist for seeking help to tackle stressful situations, usually he or she would suggest an individual go for brain imaging studies. They would help a psychiatrist to form a better understanding of how complex the impact, anxiety has on cognitive functions related to Prefrontal Cortex. The imaging studies can reveal that there could be deficits in one's emotional regulation, cognitive flexibility, and behavioral control. Mental stress can bring forth emotional changes as well as behavioral changes, which in turn leads to the hindrance in one's proper decision-making activity. Rational thinking for a person takes the backseat.

People suffering from this problem of mental stress, which in turn hinders their decision-making the process can even look to consult a psychologist for getting the ideal options for getting treated. There are loads of healthy ways through which people can resolve this issue of getting mentally stressed out and thus become unable to make good decisions. They can consult with the best psychologist in Kolkata, who can offer tips to help them recover. The tips include taking a break from something that triggered the mental stress, doing exercises, being cheerful, try and receive social support and indulging in meditation.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Psychiatrist, psychologist and yoga therapist can work wonders for stress, anxiety and depression!

Given the mundane lifestyle that every person is faced with these days, it is often that people fall prey to the pressure and fall into depression and stress issues. If you can try out the best yoga therapist in Kolkata then it can work wonders. It is said that breathing exercises in yoga help a lot to reduce stress and bust the bubble of depression in a person. The increased production of serotonin in the body due to yoga acts as a happy toxin in the body and makes the person feel better.

On the other hand, if you take up the best psychiatrist in Kolkata for counselling session it will work effectively for depression and anxiety relief. The words from psychiatrists can heal your soul and add positivity to life. The best part about such sessions is that you can let go of your feelings and speak openly to them without the fear of being judged. Such fear often leads to depression and accumulation of stress in the mind and other more consequences. Such mental health specialist can be real friends for the patients so that they can feel comfortable and share their worry and stress with the psychiatrist and feel better.

In Vivekuday Clinic, you can get the best psychologist in Kolkata for world-class counselling and yoga services at the same time. We boast of trained experts in the domain and always cater to the needs of our patients in the best way. Each of the experts associated with us makes sure that you can always get back your stress free life and live it in a better way!