Thursday, June 25, 2020

How to reduce Migraine pain?

In recent years, people often suffer from migraine pain or severe headache, which continues at least for 3 to 4 days. The best psychiatrist in Kolkata says that these symptoms occurred either in one-sided headache (either in the right or left side) or in the whole surface of the brain. Nausea, visual disturbances, physical uneasiness, numbness are the associated symptoms of migraine. It is often reported that people with this pain are sensitive to light stimulations. At the initial stage, they feel uneasiness in the eyes. Migraine is two types,  ‘Migraine with aura’ and ‘Migraine without aura’. The former one includes physiological uneasiness (vision or in other senses) which usually starts 1 hour before pain sensation. On the other hand, the latter one explains the sudden occurrences of the migraine symptoms like migraine attack, such as headache, vomiting, and so on.  

The best psychologist in Kolkata has indicated that primary causes of migraine are anger or suppressed psychological conflicts. Some researches have shown that emotional disequilibrium or the state of distress can also lead to the problem of severe headache. Besides these, hormonal changes such as the functioning of estrogen hormone especially during the menstrual cycle may lead to the condition of migraine. Apart from these, lack of sleep, tiredness, low blood sugar level, etc are also responsible for migraine pain. 

Migraine treatment in Kolkata has indicated some psychological distress like anxiety, stress is the most dominant factor for this kind of headache. Thus, the migraine counselling in Kolkata recommends that people should manage the level of stress. For this, regular practice of meditation or mindfulness help to reduce the distress. Psychological counselling is also helpful to cope with these stressors. Besides this, the headache treatment in Kolkata suggests some medicine that helps to reduce the severity of this pain sensation. Sufficient rest in a dark room, acupressure, a head massage, a healthy dietary pattern, or smelling different fragrances are also helpful to reduce the pain. Above all, psychologists have also referred that people with migraine symptoms should learn anger management techniques to get long-term relief. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

How psychiatrist and psychologist can help for corona virus affected people?

At first, a new epidemic named ‘novel corona virus’ has recently invaded in China. The first case was detected there on 31st December 2019, and since then it has gradually spread over in many countries from east to west across the world. This corona virus has taken the lives of many people and even has severely affected the physical as well as mental health of many. Till now, over 6.4 million people were affected in this disease and over a million people were died in all over the world. But on the contrary, there are a large number of people have been cured of this deadly epidemic.

There is some symptom of this corona virus, and there are also some conditions, that why this disease is spreading so rapidly. Scientists and doctors have recommended that corona virus only could be spread through human contact or human touch. even it will spread easily if any affected person coughs or sneeze without covering his mouth. The symptoms of this epidemic are severe cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, etc. Therefore, the best way to prevent corona virus is to wash hands with medicated soaps or maintaining proper hygiene, to avoid any social contact or social gathering, because this virus takes time to reveal its symptoms for at least 7 to 10 days. Thus, the affected person would not be able to understand whether he is affected or not until the symptoms are revealed.

Apart from this issue, the doctors and the best psychiatrist in Kolkata have suggested that if a person has low immunity power, or weak lung condition or severe hypertension then there is a high chance to prone to this disease. As it has stated before that the cured ratio is much higher than the mortality rate. Therefore, doctors suggest that people should be cautious or aware of his condition or about this general criterion of corona virus affect. As being a dutiful citizen, if someone is suffering from these symptoms, then he should definitely contact to a nearby hospital so that it can be cured easily. If someone tries to hide these problems, it won’t be possible to stop this deadly epidemic ever. The best psychiatrist and the best psychologist in Kolkata recommend that people should avoid panic or unnecessary worry or unproven rumors, because that may have an adverse negative effect on this issue. This epidemic definitely can be cured if people start taking precautions as suggested by doctors.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Occupational stress in the workplace

Workplace stress has become the most predominant factor in this century. Rapid industrialization has geared our economical state, but on the other hand, it has affected one’s mental state, not only in an occupational field but also it has an adverse effect in one’s personal life. Most interestingly, this occupational stress has affected workers at all levels. From the daily wage-earners to higher-level executive officers, people of this whole cycle are suffering from stress. 

The best psychologist in Kolkata says that this stress is all about how one deals with the whole scenario, the coping style. If we need the industrial revolution then we need the coping strategy as well. The first thing which has to maintain to work in this field is that, the job satisfaction level. If someone is satisfied with whatever he is doing regarding his career, the total productivity will automatically increase and he would be able to handle the workplace stress. Even, family support or the bonding between family members as well as co-operation among colleagues always helps to ease the stressful scenario.

Apart from this, the best psychiatrist in Kolkata has suggested that, in extreme cases, people may need some medications to get some relief. In extreme cases, this may develop a stress-related disorder, like anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. Except for medications, some behavioral modification training is also needed which would help people to cope with the situation. Psychiatrists say that, during this stressful time, people perceive things in a negative way which becomes more distressing. Since cognitive-behavioral technique helps to make these perceptions positively. Yoga therapy is very useful to enhance the ability to cope properly. Moreover, family support has been emphasized as the most important factor for this occupational stress. One can have the best solution from Vivekuday Clinic Kolkata.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Effectiveness of yoga therapy

Effectiveness yoga therapy has always been emphasized in health care practices. From the ancient period to still now, in every aspect of human life, yoga therapy has been considered as an important factor. Yoga therapy or mindfulness, or progressive muscle relaxation therapy all these techniques relax the body muscles, increases body flexibilities as well as adaptability to the environment. The best yoga therapist in Kolkata has recommended that regular yoga practice helps to increase different cognitive functioning such as memory, attention or problem solving, etc. On the other hand, it also helps to achieve spiritual peace in life.

Apart from these aspects, in other health care practices, like for physical illness or for psychological disturbances, yoga therapy has its inevitable positive effects. The best psychiatrist in Kolkata says that yoga therapy can help to balance the blood pressure levels, pulse rate or other irregularities regarding the respiratory system, or heart issues. It also helps to balance the hormonal levels and regulate the functioning of organs. Different pain issues, or imbalance metabolism rate can also be altered by this effective technique. Interestingly, it also helps to prevent aging quickly and helps to regulate the irregular pattern of sleep. Even yoga can resolve issues like obesity or underweight.

Even in different cases of psychological distress, yoga therapy helps to cope with people. The best psychologist in Kolkata says that, yoga or other muscle relaxation techniques increases the blood circulations in different muscles and which helps one to reduce the uneasiness of the muscle pain produced due to anxiety or distress. Regular practicing yoga can elevate the disturbed mood pattern and motivate people to create an optimistic outlook about lives. Recent studies have shown that yoga therapy helps to increase emotional control as well as self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is an important factor to accept the stressors or challenges that one faces in their life and also helps to cope in a given way.